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Educational Tours & Other Corporate Training Meeting Tours can be organized based upon age of participation, interest of group and total head count.
Following are proposed theme activity in an educational or corporate tours. The activities proposed during the stay may have interaction with the forest and with the local inhabitants. They are unique experiences for the students, enabling an exchange of cultures and knowledge, with activities like tribal dance, visit to village homes, etc.
1. Normal Jungle Safari Tours with exposure to flora & fauna with expert multilingual guides.
Age Group: 5th Standard To 12th Standard.
2. Nature, Botany & Zoology focused tours with extensive coverage of animals, reptiles, amphibians and mangrove forests. Age Group: 8th To University students.
3. Sociology, economics, and anthropology study tours of the locals with expert guidance.
Age Group: Degree & Masters, advanced studies.
4. Hospitality, Catering, Culinary Arts, Food Production Tours.
Age Group: Diploma, Degree & Masters, advanced studies.
5. Corporate Team Building, Motivation Training, Leadership Development, Time Management, Customer Service. Age Group: Corporate.
Send Your Query
Are you a coordinator of a School/College/Institution and your are responsible for arranging a education outing for the students? Are you a teacher, responsible student or even the head of the institution and looking forward to organize a safe, secure, comfortable & last but not the least a informative tour to the biggest mangrove forest in the world? Then the following questions must be bothering in your mind.
1. Is it safe to travel to Sundarbans?
2. Is the journey by road then by boat for 5-6 hours worth it?
3. Are the accommodation and food suitable for small & young students?
4. Are their Mosquitoes and other insects that can cause you trouble?
5. Will the facilities be friendly for female participants?
and the most important question asked is,
6. Can the Royal Bengal Tiger eat you by any chance?
Well we will try to address your concern area shortly. But before that we would like to introduce briefly about Sundarbans, our operations and activity.
Sundarbans offer a great opportunity for School and College students from all over the world to come to stay, see & experience the worlds biggest Mangrove jungle. Sundarbans is not only the Royal Bengal Tiger, the Kingfisher, Herons and hundred other bird species, Crocodile, Deers, wild boars, Leapord cats, Monitor lizards and so many other species of animals and birds can be seen here. The huge species of mangrove trees that can only be seen in few places on earth. A unique sight of a mud skipper fish is something you will not find anywhere else. This is Sundarbans for your. Having the chance to stay right in the middle of this rich and beautiful ecosystem, 24 hours a day, with no TV or internet connection will provide important moments of social interaction, a deeper concentration, real focus on mother nature and full attention to what the teachers have to explain.
Sikkim Darjeeling Tours
Kolkata Sundarban Tour
Kolkata Office
54, Ho Chi Minh Sarani
(B R Road(West),
Kolkata 700008.
About The Royal Bengal Tiger Sightings In Wild
Tigers are very intelligent creatures and are very elusive. They are alarmed and ready for attack on slightest sound of human activity in their turf. So many incidents of tiger attacks happen throughout the year on fishermen and honey collectors venturing into the forest in small country boats, that it is legally banned. Still humans ignore forest rules and go into these deadly forests in quest of prized catches of fishes and crabs.
However as a tourist you can see tigers at Jharkhali Tiger Rescue Center where tigers are kept in captivity. There has been no recorded incident of tiger attack on any tourist in last 20 years. The forest department have strict rules for entering the jungle. And in a scale of 1 to 100 chance of tiger attack is 0.
Still thinking about Royal Bengal Tigers? Will come to that shortly....
Who we are? About Jungle Safari & Accommosation...
We at TAB Travels been conducting mangrove jungle boat safaris and tour packages for the last 11 years. Sundarbans can be explored in 2/3 days trip from Kolkata. We operate Sundarban Day Tour, 1 Night 2 Days Sundarban Tour, 2 Nights 3 Days Sundarban Tour Packages. Customized student group departure to Sundarbans as per requirement of the Institution is planned along with Kolkata and adjoing areas sightseeing tours. We provide door step pickup and drop from your Institution/hotels. We can arrange trips to Sundarbans at very short notices with pickup and drop from Kolkata airport or Howrah/Sealdah Rail station of your choice. Over the years many thousands of tourists from India & Abroad have visited the Sundarban Tiger Reserve with us and enjoyed our hospitality. We know that a trip like this is something the students will remember forever, and we strongly believe that the experiences we share helps them in long run. About the comfort and food part we take care of vegetarian/non vegetarian, girls & female security and compact hotel stay bookings where there can be no intrusion into the students privacy. We have female attends accompany the groups of girls to take care of their issues. About the jungle safari and stay at Sundarbans, it is 100 percent safe as the same is under the control of Govt. departments. Forest dept. allocate guides for every group entering the forests and there are strict restrictions of things to do and not to do. When you are staying at the lodges, you are in the village area with vast expanses of paddy fields and rivers, with local people residing in clusters near the resorts with small shops, etc. There is no mosquitoes or insects that you need to worry about at the resort. We have repellents for them and also mosquitoe nets if you prefer. The villages have electricity lights from the grids, and the resorts & hotels have solar as well as diesel generator backup.